香川県生まれ。2013年より世界各地を車で巡るロードトリップに出る。ローカルエリアを中心に人々の営みや日常風景を写真に収め、世界のライフシーンを表現するビジュアルプロジェクトLUKETH [ルークス] を発足。旅の模様は誌面、個展等にて随時発表を予定している。
Born in Kagawa Prefecture. Starting in 2013, Norito began taking road trips in various parts of the world and capturing photographs of peoples’ daily lifestyles and landscapes in the local areas. He is planning on publishing his photographs in travel magazine LUKETH and in personal exhibitions.
Sachi Murai
Born in Saitama Prefecture. After working as a diving instructor in Okinawa, Sachi Murai entered the world of photography. Currently, he is capturing photos on various parts of the world with the theme of “Happy Moments.” He is the author of three photo books, “Kiseki no Shima” (published by Shogakukan), “LinoLino,” and “ALOHEART”(both published by LifeDesignBooks).
Teppei Kono
東京都生まれ。明治学院大学社会学部社会福祉学科卒業。その後、写真家テラウチマサト氏に師事。「写真雑誌PHaT PHOTO」の創刊に参加。2003年よりフリー。カメラ雑誌、書籍の撮影、執筆多数。著書は20冊以上に及ぶ。
Born in Tokyo. After graduating from Meiji Gakuin University Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Kumakura studied photography under professional photographer Masato Terauchi . He took part in the publishing of photography magazine, “PHaT PHOTO” and later became a freelance photographer and writer for magazines and books. He is the author of over 20 publications.